Selling a Business? 

Join us for a 4 part series to learn how to minimize the tax bite in Mergers and Acquisition (M&A)

How to Sell, or Buy, a Business: M&A 101

Come join us for a presentation regarding structuring your transaction to keep Uncle Sam at bay.  

  • Tax aspects of selling stock versus selling assets
  • How these options impact C-Corporations, S-Corporations and their owners
  • We'll also cover the buy side of transactions, including the opportunities to reduce taxes no matter which side of the transaction you're on
  • And more...


How to Sell, or Buy, a Business: M&A 201

Continue the discussion on saving taxes when you sell (or buy) a business.  

  • Why allocating the sales price to assets matters
  • How to sell both stock and assets at the same time (338 Elections)
  • Depreciation recapture
  • Personal goodwill
  • Can you pay zero tax on your sale (IRC 1202 Stock)?
  • ObamaCare Tax, Net Investment Income Tax
  • Cashless / Debtless deals
  • And more...


How to Sell, or Buy, a Business: M&A 301

Continuing the discussion on issues that affect the sale (or purchase) of your business and what you can do to minimize your final tax cost. 

  • Installment sales: how this impacts almost every deal
  • Earnouts
  • What happens if I'm still a C-Corp and have to sell assets?
  • Covenant-not-to-compete
  • New: Opportunity Zones
  • ESOP's
  • What happens to Net Operating Loss & Tax Credit Carryovers
  • And more...


How to Sell, or Buy, a Business: M&A 401

Further discussion of key elements to every transaction. 

  • Cashless / Debtless - Further analysis
  • Working capital target and minimum requirement
  • Assumption of debt
  • Estate tax and the benefit of ownership transfers

Join us for any, or all, of these informative webinars! 

Details will be e-mailed to the address given on the Registration Form within 30 minutes.  If e-mail is not received, please check your spam folder and if still not available, please contact us.

Each webinar is designed to be 45-60 minutes long.  Participation and questions are encouraged. 

These are a purely educational event with no sales pitch. 


Hope you can join us!



Rex Ours, CPA

Partner, Milam, Knecht & Warner, LLP

Specializing in management consulting services, development of internal accounting systems and merger and acquisition support, Rex has also been involved in business valuations in various industries. He has developed expertise in the process of raising capital, having participated in private and public offerings of stock.  


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